SIGNALS - Museum of Information Explosion


Opening March 1, 2025

We are so excited that you want to become a part of the SIGNALS’s community of donors! Please select one of the following donation opportunities.

#1- Make a One-Time Contribution

If you were inspired by our mission and want to send us a one-time donation we celebrate any and all contributions!

#2- Share the Love with Monthly Donations

Would you be interested in supporting us monthly? These monthly donations will help connect Huntsville to our history of technology, inspire the next generation to invent and create, and much more! Donations can start as low as $10 per month which allows many the opportunity to donate.

#3- Leave a Legacy

SIGNALS is a 501(c)(3) and would be grateful for your support.
Your gift may change the world — who will you inspire?
The museum will feature unique spaces and displays, each with
individual themes recounting the stories of discovery and invention. From the early days of sound waves to today’s immersive 3D experience, leave a legacy that speaks to you or a loved one. Choose a special place that connects with you and be a part of making it a reality.

Donate Here

You can donate here or download our Donor Package.

Signals – Museum of Information Explosion

Donor Recognition

Capital Campaign


$1,000,000+ Sheryl and Marcus Bendickson
$100,000+ Greg and Sue Lester
$ 50,000+ Alpha Foundation
Lowe Foundation
Tom Baumback
$ 25,000+ Lyn and John Cook
$ 10,000+ Aviation and Missile  Solutions, LLC
Karen and Mike Ball
Cindy and Gary Griner, Jr.
Shelaine and Alex Luttrel
National Ham Radio Club
Dot and Howard Sanderford
Torch Technologies
Emily Robertson
Jim Rogers
Sue Whitehead
$ 5000+ Ci Power Solutions
Linda Lusk Quinn
$ 2,500+ James Dawson
Mike Graves
Jay Lightfoot
PJ Nicaise
Ronnie and Renee Runyon
$ 1,000+

Donna Brewington
Ed Holder
Gene Kelly
Michael and Mark Beavis
Randy & Jan Reynolds 





Opens March 1